Health Insurance

Health Insurance measures the number of residents in the St. Louis region who do not have health insurance at the point of survey. In 2016, 132,246 residents were without health insurance, which is 6.9% of the region’s population. For a point of comparison, 8.6% of all residents nationwide are uninsured.

Health Insurance Indicator Scores

City of
St. Louis


St. Louis


St. Charles


St. Clair


Data Source: American Community Survey 1-year PUMS, 2016

Data Note: PUMS data may differ slightly from estimates on American Factfinder due to differences in sampling. See PUMS technical documentation for more information. Estimates for Hispanic and Asian residents are based on a small number of sample cases and should be interpreted with extreme caution.

What does this score mean?

A score of 100 represents racial equity, meaning there are no racial disparities in the outcomes between black and white populations. The lower the Equity Score, the greater the disparity.

For Health Insurance, a score of 100 – a score reflecting racial equity – would mean black and white residents are equally likely to have health insurance. It is important to note that for this indicator, equity is not our only goal; we also want to improve outcomes for all.


As a region, white residents are about 7% more likely than black residents to have health insurance. In the City of St. Louis, white residents with health insurance are at an 8% higher rate than black residents (92.3% relative to 86%). In St. Clair County, that disparity equals 5.7%(95.4% of white residents are insured compared to 90.3% of black residents). In St. Louis County, white residents are 4.8% likelier to be insured than black residents (95.4% relative to 91%). In St. Charles County, there is no apparent racial disparity in health insurance.

If health insurance rates were equitable, there would be:

  • 10,121 more black residents with health insurance in the City of St. Louis,
  • 4,101 more black residents with health insurance in St. Clair County, and
  • 9,291 more black residents with health insurance in St. Louis County.

Why Does Health Insurance Matter?

Health insurance helps people access the medical and preventive care they need. As the Ferguson Commission report found, people with health insurance are “more likely to be up-to-date with their immunizations, more likely to receive cost-effective care, and are healthier.” People without health insurance are “more than twice as likely to delay or forgo needed care,” and therefore “more likely to be hospitalized for preventable health conditions.” People without insurance are also “less likely than those with insurance to receive preventive care and services for major health conditions and chronic diseases.” Lack of health care impacts not only the individuals affected, but the population at large, as not staying current with immunizations or not treating communicable diseases can affect others beyond those uninsured.

Which Calls to Action from the Ferguson Commission’s report are linked with this indicator?

The expansion of Medicaid is a signature priority of the Ferguson Commission to address economic and health inequities. The calls to action related to health insurance include:

Questions for Further Investigation:

  • Why is there a racial disparity in Health Insurance?
  • What can St. Louis do to reduce racial disparities in Health Insurance?
  • What initiatives are currently underway to reduce racial disparities in Health Insurance?

How can I learn more about this issue?

As part of its mission to improve the health of uninsured citizens in the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County, the Regional Health Commission produces an annual “Access to Care” data book. The purpose of this annual data book is to review community-wide progress toward strengthening the health care safety net system in the region.

Gateway to Better Health is a temporary health care program for uninsured adults in the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County. The City of St. Louis helps fund this program ($5 million per year) through the Department of Health.

Casa de Salud facilitates and delivers high-quality clinical and mental health services for uninsured and underinsured patients, focusing on new immigrants and refugees who encounter barriers to accessing other sources of care.

Health Insurance Data

Residents with health insurance

 AllBlackWhiteDisparity RatioEquity Score
Residents Without Health Insurance
Percent of Population Without Health Insurance
11.3%14.0%7.0%1.989 to 140

Data Source: American Community Survey 1-year PUMS, 2016

Residents with health insurance

 AllBlackWhiteDisparity RatioEquity Score
Residents With Health Insurance
Percent of Population With Health Insurance
93.60%91.00%95.40%1.048 to 191

Data Source: American Community Survey 1-year PUMS, 2016

Residents with health insurance

 AllBlackWhiteDisparity RatioEquity Score
Residents With Health Insurance
Percent of Population With Health Insurance
95.70%96.90%96.70%0.998 to 1100

Data Source: American Community Survey 1-year PUMS, 2016

Residents with health insurance

 AllBlackWhiteDisparity RatioEquity Score
Residents With Health Insurance
Percent of Population With Health Insurance
92.70%90.30%95.40%1.057 to 189

Data Source: American Community Survey 1-year PUMS, 2016