Low Birthweight

Low Birthweight measures the number of births in the St. Louis region in which the newborn child weighs less than 2,500 grams. Low birthweight is associated with several increased health risks in infants as well as some long-term health issues. In 2016, over 23,700 children were born in the region (including the counties listed below), about 10% of whom were considered low birthweight.

Low Birthweight Indicator Scores

City of
St. Louis


St. Louis


St. Charles


St. Clair


Data Source: Missouri Resident Infant Profile, 2013-2017; Illinois Center for Health Statistics, 2016

What does this score mean?

A score of 100 represents racial equity, meaning there are no racial disparities in the outcomes between black and white populations. The lower the Equity Score, the greater the disparity.

For Low Birthweight, a score of 100 – a score reflecting racial equity – would mean black and white children are equally likely to be born at a healthy weight. It is important to note that for this indicator, equity is not our only goal; we also want to improve outcomes for all.


Across the St. Louis region, black newborns are more likely than white newborns to have low birthweight (See Table 1). In both the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County and in St. Clair County, black newborns have low birthweight at a rate twice as high as white newborns or higher. In the City of St. Louis, 16.8% of black newborns compared to 7.8% of white newborns have low birthweight. In St. Louis County, 14.4% of black newborns compared to 6.7% of white newborns have low birthweight. In St. Clair County, 15.1% of black newborns compared to 7.1% of white newborns have low birthweight. For St. Charles County, the black newborns have low birthweight nearly twice as often as white children, with 14.2% of black newborns compared to 7.5% of white newborns.


Table 1: Percent of newborns born with low birthweight by race and county.

County Percent of Black Newborns Percent of White Newborns
City of St. Louis 16.8 7.8
St. Clair County 15.1 7.1
St. Louis County 14.4 6.7
St. Charles County 14.2 7.5


If the rate of low birthweight in the region were equitable, there would be approximately:

  • 228 fewer black newborns with low birthweight in the City of St. Louis,
  • 96 fewer black newborns with low birthweight in St. Clair County,
  • 18 fewer black newborns with low birthweight in St. Charles County, and
  • 280 fewer black newborns with low birthweight in St. Louis County.

WHY DOES Low Birthweight MATTER?


Questions for Further Investigation:

  • Why is there a racial disparity in Low Birthweight?
  • What can St. Louis do to reduce racial disparities in Low Birthweight?
  • What initiatives are currently underway to reduce racial disparities in Low Birthweight?

How can I learn more about this issue?

The St. Louis Partnership for a Healthy Community is an initiative between St. Louis City and County to formulate a plan and provide tools for improving health and outcomes in the region. Their Community Health Improvement Plans and data services are provided online. St. Clair County has a health improvement plan of its own, first implemented in 2018. FLOURISH St. Louis is an organization targeting the specific challenges faced by black mothers to promote better newborn health and survival rates.

Low Birthweight Data

Incidence of birthweight less than 2,500 grams

  BlackWhiteDisparity RatioEquity Score
Low Birthweight Count
Low Birthweight Rate
16.797.742.169 to 139

Data Source: Missouri Resident Infant Health Profile, 2013 – 2017

Incidence of birthweight less than 2,500 grams

  BlackWhiteDisparity RatioEquity Score
Low Birthweight Count
Low Birthweight Rate
14.396.682.154 to 139

Data Source: Missouri Resident Infant Health Profile, 2013 – 2017

Incidence of birthweight less than 2,500 grams

  BlackWhiteDisparity RatioEquity Score
Low Birthweight Count
Low Birthweight Rate
12.666.691.892 to 145

Data Source: Missouri Resident Infant Health Profile, 2013 – 2017

Incidence of birthweight less than 2,500 grams

 AllBlackWhiteDisparity RatioEquity Score
Low Birthweight Count
Low Birthweight Rate
10.415.17.52.01 to 140

Data Source: IDPH Illinois Center for Health Statistics, 2016