Bachelor’s Degree Population

Bachelor’s Degree Population measures the percentage of adults over age 25 in the St. Louis region with a bachelor’s degree or higher. In 2016, there were 528,329 adults with at least a bachelor’s degree, or 39% of all adults.

Bachelor’s Degree Population Indicator Scores

City of
St. Louis


St. Louis


St. Charles


St. Clair


Data Source: American Community Survey 1-year PUMS, 2016

Data Note: PUMS data may differ slightly from estimates on American FactFinder due to differences in sampling. See PUMS technical documentation for more information. Estimates for Hispanic and Asian residents are based on a small number of sample cases and should be interpreted with extreme caution.

What does this score mean?

A score of 100 represents racial equity, meaning there are no racial disparities in the outcomes between black and white populations. The lower the Equity Score, the greater the disparity.

For Bachelor’s Degree Population, a score of 100 – a score reflecting racial equity – would mean black and white residents are equally likely to have a bachelor’s degree. It is important to note that for this indicator, equity is not our only goal; we also want to improve outcomes for all.


As a region, white adults are over two times more likely to have graduated with a bachelor’s degree than black adults. White adults are three times more likely to have a bachelor’s degree than black adults in the City of St. Louis, with 49.6% of white adults having graduated college and 16.4% of black adults. In St. Louis County, white adults are 2.26 times more likely to have a bachelor’s degree as black adults (48.6% of white adults and 21.5% of black adults). White adults in St. Clair County are 85% more likely to have a bachelor’s degree (31.3% of white adults relative to 16.9% of black adults), and they are about 38% more likely to have a bachelor’s in St. Charles County (39.8% of white adults relative to 28.9% of black adults).

If educational attainment in the region were equitable, the number of black adults with at least a bachelor’s degree would increase by:

  • 30,783 in the City of St. Louis,
  • 1,191 in St. Charles County,
  • 7,043 in St. Clair County, and
  • 40,214 in St. Louis County.

Why Does Bachelor’s Degree Population Matter?


Questions for Further Investigation:

  • Why is there a racial disparity in Bachelor’s Degree Population?
  • What can St. Louis do to reduce racial disparities in Bachelor’s Degree Population?
  • What initiatives are currently underway to reduce racial disparities in Bachelor’s Degree Population?

How can I learn more about this issue?

St. Louis Graduates is a collaborative network of youth-serving college access provider organizations, K-12 education, higher education, philanthropic funders, and businesses. St. Louis Graduates seeks to strengthen the system of support for students by:

  • Increasing collective commitment to support low-income students, first-generation students, and students of color to postsecondary degree completion.
  • Advocating for state, federal, and institutional policies that support degree attainment for students who are low income, first generation, and/or students of color.
  • Promoting and encouraging the use of best practices at the high school and postsecondary levels to support access and success across systems in St. Louis.


Bachelor’s Degree Population Data

Adults over 25 years old with Bachelor’s degrees

 AllWhiteBlackDisparity RatioEquity Score
Adults with Bachelor's Degrees
Adult Population
Percentage of Adults with Bachelor's Degrees
35.00%49.60%16.40%3.027 to 134

Data Source: American Community Survey 1-year PUMS, 2016

Adults over 25 years old with Bachelor’s degrees

 AllBlackWhiteDisparity RatioEquity Score
Adults with Bachelor's Degrees
Adult Population
Percentage of Adults with Bachelor's Degrees
43.10%21.50%48.60%2.260 to 139

Data Source: American Community Survey 1-year PUMS, 2016

Adults over 25 years old with Bachelor’s degrees

 AllBlackWhiteDisparity RatioEquity Score
Adults with Bachelor's Degrees
Adult Population
Percentage of Adults with Bachelor's Degrees
39.50%28.90%39.80%1.377 to 167

Data Source: American Community Survey 1-year PUMS, 2016

Adults over 25 years old with Bachelor’s degrees

 AllBlackWhiteDisparity RatioEquity Score
Adults with Bachelor's Degrees
Adult Population
Percentage of Adults with Bachelor's Degrees
27.90%16.90%31.30%1.852 to 146

Data Source: American Community Survey 1-year PUMS, 2016